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Instructions for Examination - July – September 2024

Instructions for Examination - July – September 2024

by Prof. T.V. Sundarabarathy -
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Examination Timetable - July – September 2024

The examinations will commence on 25th of July 2024 at the Faculty premises.  Please refer to the Examination timetable for details.

    Instructions for Examination:

  •   Arrive  at least 30 minutes before the scheduled examination  time.
  • ·Admission cards for Year 1, Level I and Level II students of the Biological Sciences program will be issued on July20th  and 27th 2024  respectively.
  • Year 1 -Level I & Level II Students in  the Physical Sciences program, and Year 2 - Level III and Year 3 -Level V in both Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences programs, can collect their admission cards on the first day of the examination.
  • Bring  your university student record book and the admission card to the examination. If you have not yet received your student record book, please inform the office.
  •  If you are unable to attend a scheduled examination due to medical reasons, submit a medical certificate within two weeks of the missed exam. Complete the medical certificate submission form, available on the LMS, when you submit your medical certificate.
  • Failure to submit the medical certificate within the specified time frame will result in being considered a repeat candidate for the respective examination, and you will receive a maximum grade of ‘C’ at the next sitting.
  •  If you need a letter to apply for official leave, send   a request to the official email address with relevant details.

 Best wishes for your examinations!

Prof. (Mrs.) T.V. Sundarabarathy

Academic Coordinator/B.Sc. (External) Degree Programs

Department of Biological Sciences

Faculty of Applied Sciences

Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

15th July 2024